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What water is best to drink on an empty stomach in the morning? Do not want to suffer from three high, three "do not" please remember!
Inputtime:2019-12-05 FromHealth information

 Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning is a healthy lifestyle recommended by many health experts. Therefore, it is also called "healthy water", "detoxification water" and "beauty water". However, the first glass of water how to drink, different people will give different answers!



  Many people opt for a cup of honey water or light salt water when they wake up, while others say lemonade is the best option. After all what water is best to drink on an empty stomach in the morning? To this end, small make up for you to explain how to drink the first glass of water every day.

Drink water on empty stomach in the morning
Three "don 'ts" remember!
Don't drink mild salt water
Because modern sodium intake is originally too much, in the body does not lack the condition of salt to drink light salt water, will increase the intake of salt, but let a person feel dry.


  In particular, people with hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, abnormal renal function should not be light salt water as the first cup of water after getting up. Since morning is the first peak of your blood pressure, drinking salt water can make it even higher.

Don't drink strong tea
Don't drink strong tea on an empty stomach from morning, weak tea can be drunk if you don't feel uncomfortable.


  Why can't you drink strong tea? Because the tea polyphenols, caffeine and other substances in tea can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, may cause nausea, vomiting and even palpitations of the reaction.

Don't drink coffee if you have a weak stomach
People with stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastrointestinal diseases, such as recovery from gastrointestinal surgery, should not drink coffee on an empty stomach.
The benefits of drinking your first glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach
When sleeping at night, the human body will consume a large amount of water through urine, skin, breathing, etc., and will be in the state of dehydration after getting up, and drinking water in the morning can replace the body metabolism lost water.



Prevent constipation
After getting up, drinking water in time can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.
Adjust intestines and stomach
After the metabolism of one night, after getting up in the morning the human body stomach and intestines have been emptied, drink water at this moment can dilute gastric acid, make its maintain better condition.



Clear your head
Water increases blood volume, improves circulation, and allows the brain to recover quickly.
What water is best to drink on an empty stomach in the morning?
Warmth and coolness vary from person to person
Start to drink water in the morning, drink the water with the same room temperature is optimal, when the day is cold, can drink lukewarm water, in order to reduce the stimulation to gastric bowel as far as possible.



  Studies have shown that when the water temperature is around 25°, water molecules have the best affinity with human cells, and cells have the strongest absorbent capacity. So a glass of warm white water in the morning is the best choice.

150-200 ml is appropriate
For most people, 150-200ml is a good amount of water to drink in the morning.


 It's important to note that people with high blood pressure already have high blood volume, and the morning is a peak time of day for blood pressure.

Drink healthy water
Yimao intelligent water purification system
Safe drinking water guard at your side


Don't wait to drink until you're thirsty
Drink water every two to three hours



Don't get hung up on eight glasses of water
Drink about 1.5 liters of water a day


Don't drink raw, natural water
Yimao intelligent water purification system can be realized under the remote control technology support of the Internet of things, real-time monitoring, real-time detection, real-time control, real-time upload, when you are in the use of the process, the water quality does not reach the safe value of drinking water, water fountain safety system start, will automatically cut off the water source, "beep! Di! Di!" The alarm!





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Source: sohu health, baidu gallery
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