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Yimao technology has donated 2.06 million yuan of smart water purification system, which will help fight the epidemic in hubei!
Inputtime:2020-02-17 FromCompany News
On February 17, 2020, the yimao intelligent water purification system worth 2.06 million yuan donated by yimao technology development (Shanghai) co., ltd. to Hubei province arrived in Xianning city. This batch of donated materials will be used for the first line of anti-epidemic treatment of xinguan pneumonia. They will be donated to Xianning central hospital, Xianning first people's hospital, chongyang traditional Chinese medicine hospital, chongyang maternal and child health care hospital, chongyangyi hospital and many designated hospitals to ensure the safety of drinking water and escort the health of frontline medical staff.


Junge wisdom: release love, return love, love is the root of everything
After the outbreak of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus, yimao science and technology headquarters actively responded to the national call to fight against the epidemic, launched a series of anti-epidemic work deployment of enterprises, and pay close attention to the information of hubei's frontline anti-epidemic, always concerned about the health of yimao business partners and employees in hubei. The body is the capital of revolution, only health can have hope and future. In order to protect the health of front-line medical workers and help them to fight against the epidemic in hubei, yimao technology took the initiative to get in touch with hubei epidemic prevention and control headquarters, saying that it would donate a batch of yimao intelligent water purification system for free, to provide safe drinking water for the medical staff fighting on the front line, and to support the front-line anti-epidemic work. On February 14, after receiving the "donation reply letter" from hubei, yimao technology immediately organized emergency dispatching, allocated the nearest yimao intelligent water purification system worth 2.06 million yuan in the storage throughout the country, and conducted debugging and testing of the donated equipment. After two days of hard work, it was successfully shipped to hubei on February 16, 2020.


 Henan xinyang Yimao initiator lu yajun received the headquarters warehouse allocation instructions, actively carry out the material preparation work.affected by the epidemic can not find people and cars, lu always with shareholders and dealers on their own, and insisted on the headquarters subsidies for the loading, but also to buy cigarettes to buy water. The total body of lu this willing to offer the spirit of the Yimao is moving, the heart of the hubei epidemic area, is willing to contribute their own strength for the support of the frontline, this is also the heart of every Yimao true portrayal.


Upon the arrival of the donated materials, Yimao technology will assign local Yimao service engineers to work overtime on equipment commissioning and installation to ensure the equipment is put into use as soon as possible. Even in exceptional times, Yimao technology is capable of providing safe drinking water for frontline medical staff and all end users. In order to let medical staff and patients drink safe water, zhang manquan, founder of hubei yimao, and xiao yinghui, head of hubei yimao group, actively contacted relevant government departments, organized and coordinated, and provided protection and convenience for the installation of the water dispensor. Installation engineer but during the outbreak, at the risk of life, actively involved in the first line of water dispenser installation, for the dedication of the Yimao man.


As a new health industry, Yimao technology has the responsibility and obligation to lend a helping hand and provide support for the first line of fighting against the epidemic. It is our responsibility to ensure the safety of people's drinking water, promote public health awareness and improve their immunity. You protect the patient, I protect you! Yimao technology is fully committed to ensuring the safety of drinking water for anti-epidemic medical staff in Hubei and will continue to pay attention to and support epidemic prevention work in Hubei.
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